Sunday, February 13, 2011

Trying to make a referee eat his whistle will get you banned

Trying to make a referee eat his whistle will get you banned
Footballers have attacked referees in many ways -- both physically and verbally -- but few have ever attempted in order to make this ref literally choke about the whistle that sparked the actual player's ire in the initial place. Yet around Italy, one man attempted to do simply just that. 

From the AFP:
An amateur footballer in Italy has been given a 20-month ban for trying to force a whistle down a referee's throat after he was sent off.
Andrea Biondi was dismissed by the referee in his Florence-based team Albereta 72's 2-2 draw at Sancat.
After being sent off for insulting the referee he grabbed the back of his head and tried to push the whistle into his mouth, the Ansa news agency reported.
Biondi continued to insult and threaten the referee as he left the field, the agency added.

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